Babies 0-4 Months


About the 0-4 Month Sleep Class


Newborn babies have sleep patterns that are naturally erratic. This is a time for flexibility, soothing, feeding on demand — and it can be the most challenging and exhausting time for many families.

The good news is that baby sleep develops steadily during the first 4 months.  This class is designed to give you specific tools to gradually step back so your baby can practice their emerging self-soothing skills and regulate their schedules. We don’t expect babies to “sleep through the night” just yet, but we do see their skills unfold and sleep improve.

Choose your plan

Babies 0-4 Months
One time

✓ You have access to this course for 6 months
✓ A 75 minute video course taught by Julie and Heather
✓ The 3-5 month mini class for navigating the "in between"
✓ Three Spotlight On mini videos
✓ A notes and reminders book to help you organize


Bundle: 0-4 month + 4-24 month
One time

✓ Access to BOTH 0-4 and 4-24 month classes
✓ $50 off when you bundle
✓ The 3-5 month "In between" class
✓ Invitation to a live Office Hours with Heather and Julie
The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card
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The Happy Sleeper Gift Card
from $45.00

The gift of sleep!

This card can be applied to any online sleep class

  • “In a sea of confusing information on the internet and social media, I was starting to overthink and doubt myself. Thank you so much for giving me a philosophy and framework. She has a nice long stretch of night sleep and I see the light at the end of the tunnel!”

    -Lindsay, mom of 8-week old

  • “I’ve been following The Happy Sleeper since day one and my baby sleeps so well. I’m still going to “Sleep Wave” her when she’s ready but her foundation is so solid already!”

    - Ester, mom of 15 week old

  • “I’m so thankful I took this class. I see early signs of my baby’s self soothing and I understand how to support her sleep so much better now.”

    – Sara, Class Attendee and Mom of 2 Month Old

This class covers:

  • Bedtime and routines

  • The ideal sleep environment

  • Self soothing and the “Soothing Ladder” method

  • Naps and the 90 minute awake span

  • Breast or bottle feeding and sleep

  • How to survive the 3-4 month sleep regression and set your baby up for good sleep

This class will hold your hand through this naturally erratic and challenging time, while also setting the stage for the best sleep possible. All while nurturing a strong bond with your baby.

What our moms had to say

Class includes:


Video Course

A 75 minute video course taught by Julie and Heather

The 3-5 Month sleep class (30 minutes)


mini videos

Three “Spotlight On” mini videos covering naps, the 4-month sleep regression, & when baby first rolls to tummy


Notes & Reminders

A notes and reminders book to help you organize

The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card The Happy Sleeper Gift Card
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The Happy Sleeper Gift Card
from $45.00

The gift of sleep!

This card can be applied to any online sleep class

Online sleep classes.jpg

The Happy Sleeper 0-4m strategies:

  • Do not let babies “cry it out”

  • Maintain a nurtured bond with your baby

  • Promote flexibility, working with newborn biology and attachment needs

  • Are breast-feeding AND bottle feeding friendly

Online classes.png

This class is for:

  • Parents of newborn babies or expecting parents.

  • Parents seeing a “sleep regression” in babies 2-4 months old. (*If your baby has already turned 4 months, we recommend the 4-24 month class). 

  • Parents and caregivers who want to understand how to support sleep development in very young babies. 

  • “I avoided so many unhelpful habits because of Julie and Heather’s guidance! My baby is sleeping longer stretches and actually starting to nap solidly since applying the methods!”

    – Esther, Online Class Participant

Frequently Asked Questions about The Happy Sleeper Sleep Classes

How do I buy and watch the class?

When you enroll in the class, you will be asked to create an account (user name and password). You easily purchase the class from the site, and then you can use your login directly from the top right of the homepage.

Are the classes different than the book?

The online classes teach The Happy Sleeper methods, which are also outlined in the book. What most parents appreciate about the online classes is the ability to actually hear us describe and teach the methods. The online classes are great for people who prefer to watch and listen, rather than reading a book.

Should I bundle the classes?

This is a good option if your baby is 0-3 months old, because in the 0-4 month class, you’ll learn the Health Sleep Habits, along with the Soothing Ladder and other techniques for encouraging self-soothing, and then, when your baby is 4.5-5 months and capable of sleeping independently through the night, you’ll learn the game changing techniques like the Sleep Wave from the 4-24 month class.

How long does it take for my baby’s sleep to improve?

In the first 4.5-5 months, we don’t have any set expectations, because every baby’s sleep abilities emerge at a different pace. Our goal in these early months is to set the stage to optimally follow your baby’s emerging self soothing and sleep abilities.

How long do I have access for?

The 0-4 month class is available for 6 months. The 4-24 month class is available for one year.

Do you guarantee my baby will sleep through the night?

If your baby is at least 4.5-5 months old and you follow the Sleep Wave strategy (taught in the 4-24 month class), our success rate is very high, which is not surprising, since, by this age, babies are very capable of self-soothing. Before this age, we don’t have set expectations, as every baby is different.

My 3 month old isn’t sleeping through the night. Will this class help?

It’s normal for young babies, 0-4 months, to not be developmentally capable yet of falling asleep independently and sleeping through the night. They still need your help and to feed during the night. During these early months, the 0-4 month class focuses on strategies to help you gradually step back, a little at a time, so your baby can have space to practice her emerging, self-soothing abilities. We don’t let babies this age cry for more than one minute without a response from you, so that you can maintain a strong, nurtured bond. This class also helps you with timing, routines and the room environment. All of this helps to set the stage for optimal sleep and prepare you and baby for the next step, the Sleep Wave, at 4.5-5 months if you need it. 

I have a 4 month old baby, which class should I take?

The 4-24 month class is the best option. In this class, we help you through 4 month sleep regression and you can decide whether your baby is ready for the new techniques (including the Sleep Wave) taught in the 4-24 month class. 

My baby still feeds during the night – can you help?

It’s normal for babies younger than 5 months to still need to feed at night, plus it can be important if you are breastfeeding. The Soothing Ladder will help you navigate nighttime wakings during these months. Most babies, 5 months and older, don’t need to feed any more at night. They can get all their nutritional needs met during the day. At this age, or whenever you’re ready, the 4-24 month class (in particular, the “Spotlight On” weaning video) will help you very gradually and effectively wean night feeds. It works best when you start the weaning process at the same time you start the Sleep Wave (taught in the 4-24 month class).

How do I know my baby will feel safe, emotionally?

The Happy Sleeper strategies in the 0-4 month class are designed to give your baby a little space to practice her emerging self-soothing abilities. We don’t let babies cry for more than a minute at this age. Your baby will feel your attunement and responsiveness. When you move into the 4-24 month class, the Sleep Wave method is also designed to satisfy two critical needs of your baby, healthy sleep and secure attachment. We will help you understand how good, natural sleep and maintaining a strong, nurtured bond, both develop naturally and work together rather than in opposition.

How does your approach differ from others?

The Happy Sleeper approach is science-based. We brought together what is known about child development, including when and how the circadian system (which controls sleep) matures, how self-soothing abilities emerge gradually, the natural progression of the attachment relationship and how these all work together to support excellent sleep once your baby is capable (at about 4.5-5 months). Parents often say it feels relieving, logical and reasonable.

We are trained psychotherapists, so we use our knowledge of psychology, child development and sleep to create a plan that is both responsive and incredibly effective. It is not necessary to leave a baby to cry without response from the parent. The power of our techniques are in the details — we’re excited to teach them to you.